Fiscal Note
Budget authority is available in the following Account:
2015 Capital Budget, Engineering-Bicycle and Pedestrian, Project Number 29, Safe Routes, Account Number 10786
Estimated Cost: $65,000
Approving the use of Safe Routes funding for the installation of new sidewalk on Turner Avenue.
The Common Council approved Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments for Turner Avenue Assessment District - 2015 on April 21, 2015, File ID 37768, RES-15-00329. The project includes installation of new sidewalk on Turner Avenue. It has been determined that the project qualifies for Safe Routes funding. Safe Routes funding will be applied to all properties within the project limits and reduce the amount due for assessments by 50 percent for the installation of new sidewalk.
BE IT RESOLVED that Safe Routes funding for the installation of new sidewalk on Turner Avenue is hereby approved and that such funding will be applied to the Final Assessments for Schedule Of Assessments For Turner Avenue Assessment District - 2015.