Fiscal Note
Used leave time is reflected in the payroll system to the extent it is noted on an employee’s time sheet. Earned but unused leave time is accrued until used. This includes the Mayor and department/division heads. A Mayor, like most City employees, is paid based on 77.5 hours biweekly times an hourly rate of pay. There are no provisions that require a Mayor, upon an absence, to formally utilize any leave time such as vacation or sick leave, in order to receive full salary compensation
Under the current MGO 3.50, a Mayor earns vacation time at the same rate as other non-Comp Group 21 City employees under MGO 3.32 (6) -- 10 days through 3 years; 12.5 days for 4 through 7 years; 15 days for 8 years through 11 years, etc The City has chosen to credit a Mayor with vacation hours that a Mayor may choose to formally record or not; any unused hours may be carried over. When a Mayor leaves office, the unused balance is paid out.
Under the proposed ordinance, a Mayor would receive 20 days of vacation annually in a first term and 25 days annually in any subsequent four year term. Up to 10 unused days could be carried over to the subsequent year. The only fiscal effect, since a Mayor is paid a salary regardless of leave status, is related to accrued (i.e., carried over) vacation days that would be paid out when leaving office. The proposed ordinance would allow a maximum of 40 accrued days in a first four year term compared with a maximum of 42.5 days under the current ordinance (assuming, under the current ordinance, that no vacation days were taken in that 4 year period). After two four-year terms, the proposed ordinance would allow a maximum of 80 accrued days compared with a maximum of 95 days under the current ordinance.
However, another comparison might be if a Mayor used vacation that maximized the carryover under the proposed ordinance. For example, if a Mayor used 10 days of vacation annually, then during the first four year term 40 days wo...
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