Fiscal Note
This vacation and discontinuance of approximately 1,511,897 sq. ft. or 34.71 acres of multiple public street right-of-ways and unpaved public alleys within the plat of Village at Autumn Lake to permit the replatting of the development does not require expenditure of City funds.
Discontinuing and vacating multiple public street right-of-ways and unpaved public alleys within the plat of Village at Autumn Lake to permit the replatting of the development, being located in the Northwest 1/4, Southwest 1/4 and Southeast 1/4 of Section 26, Township 8 North, Range 10 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. (17th AD)
WHEREAS, the plat of Village at Autumn Lake was conditionally approved by the City of Madison Common Council by Enactment Number RES-05-00955, File I.D. Number 02379, as adopted on the 29th of November, 2005 and the said Enactment provided for the acceptance of the lands dedicated for public street right-of-ways and public alleys; and
WHEREAS, the plat of Village at Autumn Lake was subsequently recorded upon the satisfaction of the conditions of approval on the 30th of March, 2006 in Volume 59-005B of Plats on pages 20-39, as Document Number 4175683, Dane County Register of Deeds; and
WHEREAS, MREC VH Madison Investors, LLC (developer) has made an application with the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development, Legistar File No. 37285, to change the zoning of the development and revise the subdivision layout to better position the development with current market conditions and adapt the development to match the products offered by the developer; and
WHEREAS, MREC VH Madison Investors, LLC (developer) has made an application with the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development, Legistar File No. 37002, for the review and approval a preliminary and final plat replatting the majority of the plat of Villages at Autumn Lake in conjunction with the proposed zoning application; and
WHEREAS, the pro...
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