Fiscal Note
The 2015 Adopted Operating Budget appropriated $30,000 to the Police Department budget for a study of community policing and body cameras. This resolution transfers that funding to the Mayor's Office for the same purpose.
Amending the 2015 Adopted Operating Budget to Transfer Funds related to a Study of Community Policing and Body Cameras from the Police Department budget to the Mayor's Office budget.
WHEREAS, the City's 2015 Operating Budget requests the creation of an ad hoc committee to 1) guide, develop and implement a community and employee engagement process and timeline, 2) develop a policy on the use of body cameras, and 3) develop a framework for a pilot study to occur in 2016; and
WHEREAS, at its February 3, 2015 meeting, the Common Council adopted resolution #36838 which requested that the Mayor hire a project manager and appoint members to a Community Policing and Body Camera Ad Hoc Committee; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council are committed to an open, transparent, thorough, equitable and just committee and study process; and
WHEREAS, these goals can best be met by placing responsibility and funding for the project in the Mayor's Office; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that funding of $30,000 originally appropriated in the 2015 adopted operating budget to the Police Department for this purpose be transferred to the Mayors budget.