Fiscal Note
Costs for the remainder of 2015 are estimated at $90,000. Of this amount, $15,000 can be saved in landfill tipping fees. The remaining $75,000 would be appropriated from the Contingent Reserve. The budget amendment would be as follows:
$90,000 Account 44111-54215-0000 Streets - Large Item Disposal;
($15,000) Account 44110-54240-0000 Streets - Landfill tipping fees;
($75,000) Account 110020-56620-0000 General Fund Contingent Reserve.
The estimated balance in the Contingent Reserve including this and other proposed and approved appropriations is $1,012,867.
Amending the Streets Division's 2015 Operating Budget to include funds for the recycling of mattresses and box springs. And authorizing a contract with Bay Area Recycling for Charities for the balance of 2015.
WHEREAS The Streets Division can restart the mattress and box spring recycling program which was suspended in 2014 by working with Bay Area Recycling for Charities (BARC) or a not for profit corporation located in Traverse City MI: and
WHEREAS The mattress and box spring recycling program had been funded by a user fee which caused hardship for many Madison residents. The user fee caused many low income residents to place mattresses and box springs at the curb without the required fee stickers. These mattresses and box springs would remain at the curb for two weeks until the next large item collection which gave areas with apartments a neglected appearance: and
WHEREAS These unstickered items were a significant administrative burden for the Streets Division as it attempted to collect the user fees from property owners:and
WHEREAS The City of Madison has a goal of providing more equitable services for its residents and funding this program from the general fund instead of user fees would be in keeping with that goal:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the 2015 Streets Operating Budget be amended to transfer $15,000 from 44110-54240-0000 (Landfill Fees) to 44111-54215...
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