Fiscal Note
Up to $41,500 in Federal CDBG funds were previously approved for staffing of the planning process as part of the Community Development Division 2015 Adopted Operating Budget. This resolution does not commit any funds for plan implementation. Traditionally the CDBG program has committed approximately 3-5% of its estimated annual entitlement funds for implementation of eligible high priority projects upon completion of CDBG-funded neighborhood plans.
SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the selection of a portion of Census Tract 20 as the focus for a concentration neighborhood planning process and the creation of an Ad-Hoc steering committee.
WHEREAS the CDBG Committee and the Community Development Division have traditionally partnered with the Plan Commission and the Planning Division to identify eligible areas with opportunities where a neighborhood planning process could effectively guide future City and community activities;
WHEREAS the Community Development Division has historically supported such a planning process with funds for neighborhood planning and for implementation of projects that address the completed plan’s priority goals and opportunities; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison's Comprehensive Plan adopted January 17, 2006 provides general goals, objectives, policies and implementation recommendations and generalized land use maps to guide the future growth and development of the City; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison's Comprehensive Plan recommends the preparation of neighborhood plans for established residential neighborhoods to provide greater detail on specific land uses, development intensity, and design characteristics that are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, or to propose amendments to the Plan; and
WHEREAS the proposed planning study area is depicted on the attached map and includes a portion of Census Tract 20 in the Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara and Worthington Park neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS this census tract me...
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