Fiscal Note
The 2015 adopted City Operating budget both provides additional resources for administration of the program and anticipates additional revenues of $200,000 in 2015 (under General Fund Revenues - Building Permits) derived from a restructuring of the program fees, which will help offset the costs of the street occupancy permit program. No additional appropriation is required.
SUBSTITUTE Creating Secs. 10.055 and 29.135, repealing and recreating Sec. 29.10, and amending Secs. 29.07(3)(e), 29.13(4), 1.08(3)(a) and 1.08(4) to shift the administration of the Street Occupancy Permit Program to the Traffic Engineering Division.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance makes numerous changes to effectively update and relocate the street occupancy permit from the Building Code (Chapter 29) to Chapter 10. This change is being made as a result of the decision to shift oversight of the street occupancy permit program from the Building Inspection Division to the Traffic Engineering Division as part of the 2014 budget process in which the Traffic Engineering Division was authorized to add a position to administer this program. By relieving the Building Inspection Division of the administration of this ordinance, this permit no longer makes sense to include in Chapter 29 and is better located in Chapter 10 with the other ordinances pertaining to streets, alleys, sidewalks and gutters. However, a portion of the existing ordinance addresses roofed passageways and barricades, which structures are best left within the oversight of the Building Inspection Division. Hence, these provisions, while tied to the street occupancy permit, will continue to be administered by the Building Inspection Division in Chapter 29 and will remain within a redrafted Sec. 29.10. Another new ordinance is being created to relocate the existing watchman requirements in Sec. 29.10 into a new standalone ordinance, while giving the term a gender neutral designation (“flag person”)....
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