Fiscal Note
No appropriation is necessary. PCED anticipates utilizing existing resources to support this process.
SUBSTITUTE-Directing the Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development to conduct a one or two year collaborative effort to implement many of the recommendations in the 2012 adopted Downtown Plan, and to take an expanded and more detailed look at a number of issues associated with State Street, the Capitol Square, and adjacent areas
WHEREAS, in 1968, City Planners unveiled a plan to revive a decaying State Street. Over the next several years, the City engaged in a tremendous planning effort, including the formation of the first Mall Committee and, with the assistance of M. Paul Friedberg and Associates, the development of a master plan for the mall and concourse areas.
WHEREAS, this planning process yielded a vision for State Street that was based on a simple concept: a transit and pedestrian mall featuring specialty boutique retailers. By 1982, the construction and programming of the street and concourse was complete.
WHEREAS, by the mid 1990s, State Street looked dated and showed signs of decline. In 1999, the City adopted the State Street Strategic Plan, which included a fresh look at the physical environment and urban design, market conditions and business mix, and management strategies for the street.
WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan ultimately led to the 2002 State Street Design Project Plan that guided the physical reconstruction of the street. The reconstruction of State Street has been ongoing since 2004 and was completed at the end of 2014.
WHEREAS, during the reconstruction of State Street, the City adopted the 2012 Downtown Plan which focused on establishing recommendations to strengthen the downtown economy, ensure a quality urban environment and enhance livability with needed goods and services available downtown, among other major goals for the larger Downtown Area.
WHEREAS, the Downtown Plan included a major retail objective that recommends that Madison "Enhance the shopping and entertainment choices for Downtown Workers, residents and visitors by building on Downtown's strengths as an experience destination offering distinctive shopping options while also expanding the availability for neighborhood serving retail."
WHEREAS, during the reconstruction of State Street, the numbers of restaurants and bars have gone up and the numbers of specialty boutique retailers have gone down.
WHEREAS, an examination of the following issues may provide direction for this planning effort, including 1) physical design and character issues such as pedestrian access, street furniture, public amenities, public art, storefront rhythm and design, signage and historic preservation, sound and noise pollution issues; 2) programming issues such as large downtown events, small activities and gatherings, sidewalk cafes and vending, food carts, and temporary art installations; 3) business issues such as rent affordability, marketing and branding, broader retail trends, a changing downtown consumer base, advocacy for a healthy retail environment and business mix; 4) transportation issues, such as bus access and operations on State Street and Capitol Square, Bus Rapid Transit, bicycle lanes and parking, wayfinding, taxi, deliveries and automobile parking and access; and 5) other issues such as behavioral concerns, potential boundary expansions, mall maintenance, and partnerships with downtown advocacy groups such as Downtown Madison Inc., the Madison Central Business Improvement District, Greater State Street Business Association, and Capitol Neighborhoods Inc., among others.
WHEREAS, this planning effort can serve as a blueprint for conducting future similar studies in other areas of the city that may face the same or similar issues, such as along Williamson and Monroe Streets.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development shall lead a one to two year effort to implement many of the recommendations in the 2012 adopted Downtown Plan, and to take an expanded and more detailed look at the issues noted above relative to the State Street, the Capitol Square and adjacent areas. This effort will consider both the public realm, private realm and the interface between the two, and to consider all possible ideas.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution calls for a collaborative effort that includes the full participation of City Staff, elected officials, City commissions and committees, business and property owners, downtown residents, downtown advocacy groups as referenced above and, the citizens of Madison.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution directs staff to consider options for preparing a market study and retail analysis to determine what effects recently approved housing, other downtown development, general market forces and a changing retail environment will have on the health of State Street; and, to determine what efforts are needed to strengthen State Street as a retail shopping district.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Downtown Coordinating Committee shall serve as the lead working committee for this effort until another entity is so designated by the Mayor and Common Council.