Fiscal Note
The annual revenue associated with the Pontoon Boat program is approximately $2,500. The annual revenue associated with the softball and baseball programs is $105,000. The annual revenue associated with the high school athletics under this agreement is estimated at $20,000. The annual expenses related to the provision of services at Warner Park Community Recreation Center are approximately $25,000. Additionally, the expenses required by the City to provide the services covered under this agreement are included in the 2015 Adopted Parks Division Operating Budget.
All revenues and expenses are anticipated in the Parks Division and City 2015 Operating Budget. Revenues from the Pontoon program are accounted for in the Parks Division Operating Budget, as are any revenues from direct reimbursement of expenses (e.g., lighting and service charges). All other revenue for field usage is accounted for as a part of general fund revenues. There is no impact on the tax levy from this agreement. Future expenses and revenues will be considered as a part of the annual Parks Division and City Operating budget process.
To authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a four (4) year Agreement between the City of Madison and the Madison Metropolitan School District, Madison School & Community Recreation for calendar years 2015 through 2018 for school and community recreational programming in Madison Parks.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison ("CITY"), Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD), and the Madison Metropolitan School District's Madison School & Community Recreation ("MSCR") program have had a long and successful relationship in partnering to provide recreational opportunities to the students and residents of Madison; and
WHEREAS, previously there have been up to four separate contracts that covered the various aspects of these relationships; and
WHEREAS, the CITY, MMSD, and MSCR desire to enter into a single agreement that provi...
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