Fiscal Note
This resolution would appropriate $10,000 from the Contingent Reserve to the Traffic Engineering 2015 operating budget to provide additional funding for the purchase of a field operations vehicle for administration of the City's Street Occupancy Program. Funding of $20,000 is included in the adopted TE adopted operating budget, but revised cost estimates indicate additional funding of $10,000 is required for the purchase. The 2015 Adopted Operating Budget includes a $1.2 million Contingent Reserve. If approved, the uncommitted balance of the 2015 reserve is reduced to $1,153,000.
The budget will be amended as follows:
($10,000) 110020-56620 Reduce Contingent Reserve
$10,000 Increase Traffic Engineering - Capital Assets
Amending the City's 2015 Adopted City Operating Budget to appropriate $10,000 from the Contingent Reserve to the Traffic Engineering’s adopted 2015 operating budget to provide $10,000 in addition to the $20,000 originally budgeted to purchase a pickup truck equipped with appropriate functionality and safety equipment for use by the Agency’s newly-created Street Occupancy Permit Inspector Program.
WHEREAS, $20,000 was originally authorized in the 2015 Traffic Engineering Operating Budget for the purchase of a vehicle dedicated to the Street Occupancy Permit Inspector Program; and
WHEREAS, Traffic Engineering underestimated the costs of a vehicle with the appropriate specialized equipment and the functionality required for a vehicle to safely and efficiently operate in the public right-of-way and construction zones; and
WHEREAS, the 2015 Adopted Operating Budget includes additional General Fund revenues of $200,000 in anticipation of the Traffic Engineering administration and restructuring of the Street Occupancy Permit program fees;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council approves amending the 2015 operating budget to authorize an appropriation of $10,000 from the City Contingent Reserve to ...
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