Fiscal Note
Land interests acquisition costs and Real Estate staff time funds estimated at approximately $11,500 are available in Project ledger account 10439-86-130: 54445
Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a Relocation Order for the City of Madison to obtain the land interests required for the construction of the Lake View Reservoir Pipe Improvements project, and the authority of the Mayor and City Clerk to sign all documents necessary to accomplish the acquisition of said land interests. (18th AD).
WHEREAS, there are known water supply deficiencies in parts of the City of Madison Water Utility’s Pressure Zone 5, being that part of Pressure Zone 5 located East of the Lake View Reservoir (“the Area”); and
WHEREAS, the existing water supply system may not provide consistently adequate water supplies to residences, businesses, fire protection services, and other water users in the Area; and
WHEREAS, future residential and commercial development of currently vacant lands of the Area is anticipated as described in the Northport-Warner Park-Sherman Neighborhood Plan, adopted by the City of Madison Common Council on November 3, 2009 as Resolution Res-09-00906 further increasing the water supply needs of the Area; and
WHEREAS, other overall water supply system infrastructure improvements affecting Pressure Zones 5 and 6, such as the rebuilding and upgrade of the Lake View Reservoir located just West of this Relocation Order, are planned in order to improve and upgrade the water supply system supplying water to Area and other areas of the City of Madison; and
WHEREAS, the Lake View Reservoir Pipe Improvements project has three main objectives, 1) to ensure that the existing water supply remains adequate to meeting the water supply needs of the Area, 2), to improve and upgrade the existing water supply system providing water to the Area as part of the overall water supply system improvement plan, and, and 3) to meet future water...
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