Fiscal Note
Existing funding of $150,000 in the Information Technology capital budget will be used. Capital project number 10399 Residentail Internet Access Assistance.
Update to the Common Council of the efforts and plans of the Digital Technology Committee (DTC) on the pilot project to address the Digital Divide.
WHEREAS, the Digital Technology Committee (DTC) was formed and began meeting in February of 2014 to address the approach to utilizing available funding to provide internet service to challenged neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the committee discussed multiple facets of this issue, invited input from the public, UW Madison, Madison Metropolitan School District, city staff and other parties; and
WHEREAS, the committee conducted a pilot site selection process that utilized data from Neighborhood Resource Team areas, census data, proximity to city infrastructure such as fiber optic communications lines and other information; and
WHEREAS, this process identified four potential pilot sites, of which, one or more will be used for the initial pilot project; and
WHEREAS, the committee solicited industry input by issuing a Request for Information (RFI) to potential vendors in order to obtain information on potential approaches and technologies;
WHEREAS, the committee has now requested that city staff prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) to ultimately select a vendor to implement internet access to one or more of the pilot sites; and
WHEREAS, the RFP may include an initial cost-benefit analysis as required by Wis. Stat. 66.0422; and
WHEREAS, this RFP will specify 4G LTE technology for the pilot site(s); and
WHEREAS, if the pilot project ultimately leads to the development of a city-wide network for residents for internet access, a potential future benefit of meeting communications needs for city agencies, including Police and Fire, may also be considered; now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Common Council endorse the efforts and p...
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