Fiscal Note
The position is currently vacant. The Parking Utility 2015 adopted operating budget provides $89,935 in wage expense, plus fringe benefit expense. This funding is sufficient to accommodate the reclassification in 2015, so no addtional appropriation is required. The full, annualized additional wage expense at Step 5 is $9,101, plus an estimated $1,820 for fringe benefits, or a total addtional cost of $10,921 and will be included in future operating budgets, subject to Common Council approval.
Deleting the classification of Parking Operations Manager in CG18, R15, and creating the classification of Assistant Parking Utility Manager in CG18, R17. Recreating and retitling position #1275 of 1.0 FTE Parking Operations Manager in CG18, R15 as Assistant Parking Utility Manager in CG18, R17, in the Parking Utility Operating Budget.
Resolution deleting the classification of Parking Operations Manager in CG18, R15, and creating the classification of Assistant Parking Utility Manager in CG18, R17, deleting and recreating the 1.0 FTE position #1275 of Parking Operations Manager (CG18, Range 15), as an Assistant Parking Utility Manager (CG18, Range 17) in the Parking Utility budget.