Fiscal Note
The cost for the remainder of 2015 is approximately $5,080 (or $5,800 including benefits) and will be accommodated through the management of salary savings within the Human Resources Department's 2015 Operating Budget. No appropriation is required. The projected annualized cost is $7,220 (or $8,265 including benefits).
Deleting the classification of Employee Assistance Program Coordinator in CG18, Range10, and creating the classification of Employee Assistance Program Administrator in CG18, Range12. Recreating and retitling the position #862 of 1.0 FTE Employee Assistance Program Coordinator in CG18-10 as Employee Assistance Program Administrator in CG18-12, in the Human Resources Operating Budget; and reallocating the incumbent, T. Martinez, to the new position.
Resolution deleting the classification of Employee Assistance Program Coordinator in CG18, Range10, and creating the classification of Employee Assistance Program Administrator in CG18, Range12, deleting and recreating the 1.0 FTE position #862 of Employee Assistance Program Coordinator (CG 18, Range 10), as an Employee Assistance Program Administrator (CG18, Range 12) in the Human Resources budget, and reallocating the incumbent (T. Martinez) to the new position, thereof.