Fiscal Note
Funding for firefighter safety gear is included in the Fire Department annual operating budget, subject to approval by the Common Council. The agreement is not anticipated to directly affect the Fire Department budget, and no additional appropriation is required. However, the Resolution effectively authorizes a ten-year, sole source contracting authority, which is a relatively lengthy duration, such that Council may consider a more frequent contract review to ensure best value and healthy competition.
Approving the selection and purchase of Honeywell/Morning Pride firefighter safety gear from Jefferson Fire and Safety.
The Fire Department recommends that Honeywell/Morning Pride as the brand of personal protective equipment for firefighters . Personal protective equipment is the protective gear worn into a fire.
Gear from four different manufacturers was evaluated by a Department committee. The committee found two brands to be acceptable. The final recommendation is to purchase Honeywell/Morning Pride gear which proposed the lowest pricing
The Department has purchased Honeywell/Morning Pride gear for several years. Morning Pride meets section 4.25 of the City of Madison Ordinances (MGO) and Jefferson Fire and Safety is a local business in Middleton. The gear wears well and has a life cycle of up to ten years.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Fire Department has reviewed available gear from four manufacturers and recommends the purchase of Honerywell/Morning Pride gear.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council approve the selection of Honerywell/Morning Pride gear for Madison firefighters; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council approves the purchase of this gear from Jefferson Fire and Safety, the manufacturer's sales representative; and
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, funding exists in the Fire Department annual operating budget; and
BE FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Fire Department can purchase Honeywell/Morning Pride gear for up ten years.