Fiscal Note
Funding for Permanent Suportive Housing projects is included in the 2015 adopted capital budget of the Planning and Community and Economic Development agency (PCED), "Affordable Housing Fund," Project No. 42, which authorizes total expenditures of $4,250,000 in 2015 for the development of a variety of affordable housing units. Of this amount, an estimated $1M to $1.2M will be allocated to development of Permanent Supportive Housing. No additional appropriation is required.
SUBSTITUTE Recommending the selection of [Insert Company Recommended by Committee] Heartland Housing, Inc. and YWCA Madison for the provision of services relating to the development, property management, and supportive services for housing for homeless families.
WHEREAS, on March 19, 2013 the Council passed Resolution No. RES-13-00226 directing Planning, Community Development and CDA staff to explore locations, financing, and partnership options for the development of additional single-room occupancy housing for very low income people within the City of Madison (the “SRO Report”); and
WHEREAS, in June of 2013 staff submitted the SRO Report and after review and comments by the Housing Strategy Committee, the CDA, and the CDBG Committee, the Council accepted the SRO Report; and
WHEREAS, the approved 2014 capital budget includes a commitment to develop 100 units of housing with case management and supportive services (“Permanent Supportive Housing”) in two phases; and
WHEREAS, in December of 2013 Heartland Housing was selected and approved by the Council to develop 60 units of Permanent Supportive Housing for single adults (Phase 1) and in 2014 Heartland Housing was awarded Low Income Housing Tax Credits for Phase 1 and is proceeding with development of Phase 1; and
WHEREAS, in June of 2014 the Housing Strategy Committee submitted the Affordable Housing Market Report, which recommended the creation of a second phase of Permanent Supportive Housing and identified...
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