Fiscal Note
It is anticipated that the updated Personnel Rules will have minimal fiscal impacts. The updates replace practices that were in the collective bargaining agreements, eliminate duplicity with MGO 3.53 and the Personnel Rules, update language related to the on-line application system, and improve the civil service system.
Adopting updates to the City of Madison Personnel Rules, revised 2014.
Whereas Section 3.53(4) of the MGO authorizes the Personnel Board to formulate rules and regulations for the administration of the City of Madison civil service system, subject to approval of the Common Council and
Whereas with the expiration of a number of City collective bargaining agreements, certain terms and conditions of employment for General Municipal Employees need to be incorporated into City procedures, and
Whereas a number of these changes affect items in the Personnel Rules, making it necessary to update the Personnel Rules at this time,
Now therefore be it resolved that the Common Council approves and adopts the City of Madison Personnel Rules, revised 2014.