Fiscal Note
No expenditure required.
Authorizing the acceptance of ownership from Regent Neighborhood Association of a “Little Free Library” located at the Southwest Bike Path near the Spooner Street bridge.
WHEREAS, the Regent Neighborhood Association (the “Association”) wishes to maintain an existing Little Free Library (the “Library”) on the Southwest Bike Path near the Spooner Street bridge, adjacent to property located at 1721 Regent Street, as shown on attached Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, representatives from City Engineering, Planning, Traffic Engineering, and Risk Management have reviewed this request and conditionally approved the existing location of the Library; and
WHEREAS, the Association will transfer ownership of the Library to the City in exchange for the ongoing maintenance and repair of the Library by the Association; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Madison authorizes the acceptance of ownership from the Regent Neighborhood Association of a Little Free Library located at the Southwest Bike Path near the Spooner Street bridge, adjacent to property located at 1721 Regent Street, as shown on attached Exhibit A; subject to the following conditions:
1. The Association shall be responsible for all costs of maintenance and repair of the Library.
2. The Library shall remain at its current location, while maintaining a minimum of six feet from the edge of the path.
3. The Association agrees to maintain the turf within six feet of the Library post, including regular mowing and removal of debris.
4. If the Library post requires replacement or the Library requires major maintenance, the Association is not authorized to replace the Library in its current location. The Association shall contact City Engineering for an acceptable location and the Letter of Agreement shall be amended accordingly.
5. In the event of future relocation of the Library, the Association shall be responsible for locating ...
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