Fiscal Note
The Resolution will amend the 2014 adopted capital budget of the Planning and Community and Economic Development agency (PCED) to create a new project ("Southside Grocery Store Feasibility Study, Acc't No. 810805) and to authorize General Obligation borrowing of $10,000. The 2014 adopted PCED capital budget will be amended as follows:
CD21-58015-810848 $10,000 Increase Consultant Expenditures
CD21-79140-810805 ($10,000) Increase General Fund Borrowing
It should be noted that the proposed activity is more efficiently funded as an operating budget item, so Council may wish to consider funding alternatives (such as an appropriation from the Contingent Reserve or the use of Preliminary Planning funds, for which an appropriation of $90,000 is authorized as part of the operating budget of the Office of the Director of Planning and Development).
Amending the 2014 Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development Capital Budget by $10,000 for completion of a Southside Grocery Store Feasibility Study.
WHEREAS, significant public and private investment has been made within the Southside over the past several years; and,
WHEREAS, many within the Southside community do not believe that the Southside is well-served by current grocery stores, and would like to see an additional grocery store within the Southside; and,
WHEREAS, a Grocery Store Feasibility Study ("Study") is a good way to gauge whether or not the market demand exists for a new grocery store within the Southside; and,
WHEREAS, such Study can help define the type, size, and location of a grocery store that could be successful within the Southside.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council amends the 2014 Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development budget by $10,000 to complete a Southside Grocery Store Feasibility Study ("Study"); and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Study should consider the supply and demand for grocery items within the surrounding neighborhood, whether or not another grocery store is warranted within the neighborhood, and if warranted, define the type and size of grocery store and location most suitable for a grocery store; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development is authorized to issue an RFP, review submitted proposals, and hire a firm to complete the Study; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute, deliver, accept and record any and all documents and take such other actions as shall be necessary or desirable to accomplish the purpose of this resolution in a form approved by the City Attorney.