Fiscal Note
The Police Department Training Facility project (810642) has $220,000 of excess funds borrowed in 2012 due to lower than budgeted construction costs. This resolution transfers that funding to the Midtown District Station project (810772) to fund demolition costs of the facility purchased in early 2014.
Amending the 2014 Capital Budget to transfer up to $220,000 in GO borrowing proceeds from the Police Department Training Facility Project to the Midtown District Station Project.
WHEREAS, in 2014 the City of Madison purchased property at 4018 Mineral Point Road, Madison; and,
WHEREAS, the purpose of this purchase was to acquire property to be used for a future midtown district police station; and,
WHEREAS, the property included a decrepit church facility that has been unused for several years; and,
WHEREAS, rather than investing funds to maintain this facility which will not be used, it has been determined that the facility should be demolished in order to reduce the costs to maintain the property; and,
WHEREAS, funding was borrowed in 2012 to finalize the remodel of the Police Training Center on Femrite Dr; and,
WHEREAS, actual construction costs for the remodel of the Police Training Center were less than anticipated resulting in an additional savings of $220,000.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the 2014 Police Capital Budget is hereby amended to transfer up to $220,000 from the Police Training Center Capital Project (CB71-58401-810642) to the Police Midtown District Station Project (CB71-58505-810772); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these funds will be used for the cost of demolition, asbestos abatement and hazardous materials removal, and necessary infill at the site.