Fiscal Note
The 2014 adopted Operating Budget of the Community Development Division (CDD) / CDBG Office authorizes expenditures of $125,000 in City levy funds for the apprenticeship program described herein. No additional appropriation is required.
Approving the selection of Construction Training, Inc. and its collaborative partners to provide services in support of an apprenticeship program to help prepare low-income and disadvantaged persons for employment in the trades, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Construction Training, Inc. to implement the program.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison, through its Community Development Division, currently invests approximately $475,000 in Adult Workforce Training and Employment Development activities and approximately 15% of that funding supports programming designed to increase access to training in the construction trades for individuals in poverty; and
WHEREAS, skilled workers in the construction industry and the trades can command good, family supporting wages; and
WHEREAS, in the City of Madison and Dane County, the demand for skilled workers in the construction trades far exceeds the number of people who possess such skills and there are significant development projects looming that will require additional skilled workers; and
WHEREAS, there is a disproportionately low representation of women and people of color in the local construction and trades workforce; and
WHEREAS, the development of trade skills and subsequent procurement of employment is often achieved through participation in an apprenticeship program; and
WHEREAS, local trade union apprenticeship programs have reported that approximately 50% of persons that enter apprenticeship programs leave these programs within their first year and that approximately 70% of those leaving are women and people of color; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor’s recent Employment Initiative identified the need for pre-employm...
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