Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact associated with the adoption of the Study. However, implementing specific recommendations within the Study will have fiscal impacts in the future and will require Common Council approval at that time.
Accepting the Near Westside Neighborhoods and University Avenue Transportation Study and the goals, and recommendations therein.
WHEREAS, University Ave is an important primary arterial street serving both Madison, the Village of Shorewood Hills and the UW-Madison; and
WHEREAS, this arterial serves in excess of 50,000 vehicles per average weekday, resulting in severe congestion, crashes and delay to motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists; and
WHEREAS, this corridor bounds many near Westside neighborhoods of both the City of Madison and the Village of Shorewood Hills, and provides important connections to the University of Wisconsin and downtown Madison; and
WHEREAS, the City, UW-Madison and Village of Shorewood Hills continue to grow and generate additional transportation demand; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison, UW-Madison, and Village of Shorewood Hills have partnered to conduct a sub-area traffic and transportation study to address these concerns; and
WHEREAS, the study identified with Neighborhood stakeholders short, medium and long-term recommendations as well as potential physical roadway modifications which will maintain University Ave as a functional arterial street; and
WHEREAS, Between January 2013 to March 2014, the consultant, Strand Associates, with assistance by the City of Madison, Village of Shorewood Hills and University of Wisconsin, hosted several public meetings including two kick-off events/needs workshops, two improvement alternatives workshops and a large public meeting where operational issues both within the corridor and adjoining neighborhoods were identified; and
WHEREAS, Strand reviewed the identified issues as well as identifying additional traffic related problems and subsequently developed options to address concerns;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Near Westside Neighborhoods and University Avenue Transportation Study and the recommendations and implementation steps contained therein is hereby accepted.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the appropriate City agencies consider including the recommendations of the Near Westside Neighborhoods and University Avenue Transportation Study in future work plans and budgets.