Fiscal Note
Funding for the main resurfacing project previously approved, File ID 32560, RES-14-00004. Additional work at the intersections to install pedestrian refuge islands is estimated at $150,000. Funds available in CS53-58260-810358-00-53W1699.
Recommend cross-sections of North Gammon Road from Tree Lane to Stonefield Road and approving the resurfacing of North Gammon Road in 2014.
WHEREAS, North Gammon Road from Tree Lane to Stonefield Road is on City Engineering's 2014 Street Resurfacing list; and
WHEREAS, several residents of North Gammon Road raised concerns about speeding and the cross-section of North Gammon Road; and
WHEREAS, the Council directed City Engineering and City Traffic Engineering to review the project and the street's cross-section with North Gammon Road property owners and nearby neighborhood residents; and
WHEREAS, a neighborhood meeting was held on March 11, 2014 where City Traffic Engineering and City Engineering staff presented traffic and safety data as well as several options for the cross-section of North Gammon Road; and
WHEREAS, there was no overwhelming support for any one option; and
WHEREAS, some North Gammon Road residents desire the street to be reduced in cross-section from four travel lanes to two travel lanes with a center two-way left turn lane; and
WHEREAS, City Traffic Engineering and City Engineering studied the operational impacts and pros and cons of the three lane cross-section and find it unsuited and unsustainable for this segment of North Gammon Rd; and
WHEREAS, the residents expressed support for additional electronic signing and construction, if feasible, of several pedestrian refuge islands at the intersections of North Gammon Road with Colony Drive, Farmington Way, and Sawmill Road as identified by TE and CE Staff; and
WHEREAS, long term recommendations for improving North Gammon Road with bike lanes, pedestrian islands, and a center two-way left turn lane were identified for ...
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