Fiscal Note
These guidelines will be used in the development of 2015-2016 project recommendations, contingent upon the availability of Federal Housing and Urban Development, State, and local funds. No expenditure is required to adopt the guidelines.
Adopting the 2015 - 2016 Community Development Program Goals and Objectives as a guide to the CDBG Committee for the development of its funding recommendations.
WHEREAS, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 makes available Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to the City of Madison for the purpose of developing "a more viable urban community, by providing decent housing, a supportive living environment, and enhanced economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons”; and,
WHEREAS, the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 makes available HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds to the City of Madison for “investment to increase the number of families [households] served with decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing and expand the long-term supply of affordable housing”; and,
WHEREAS, the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act as amended by the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009 makes available Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds to the City of Madison to assist individuals and families in quickly regaining stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness; and,
WHEREAS, the Community Development Division anticipates that Federal, State, local, private, and other funds will be available in the coming two years for investment and funding of additional projects that will strengthen efforts to achieve this mission; and,
WHEREAS, the CDBG Committee, based upon a review of community needs, its Five-Year Consolidated planning effort, the performance of Community Development-funded projects, public hearings and other community suggestions, has recommended goals and objectives for...
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