Fiscal Note
Funding for the 2014 contract is included in the 2014 Information Technology Operating Budget. Funding for future years’ contracts will be negotiated each year and requested the appropriate years’ operating budgets.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a service contract for software maintenance, on a recurring annual basis for the useful life of the software, for software support and maintenance services from Progress Software Corporation or their certified reseller.
WHEREAS, in 1994 the City chose Progress Software for use as the primary in-house software development tool and database through an RFP process; and
WHEREAS, the City operates more than 50 separate databases and applications based on the Progress Software OpenEdge platform; and
WHEREAS, the City has continued to contract for annual software maintenance and support since 1995; and
WHEREAS, support and maintenance services funding is provided for each year as part of the adopted Information Technology operating budget; and
WHEREAS, Progress Software Corporation is the owner of the proprietary software and controls who may provide support and maintenance services for the OpenEdge platform; and
WHEREAS, Progress Software Corporation facilitates the purchasing of their support and maintenance services through certified resellers; and
WHEREAS, under sec. 4.26(4)(b), of the Madison General Ordinances if the aggregate amount of the fee for services exceeds $25,000 and the contract was not subject to a competitive bidding process, the contract shall meet one of the other requirements of sec. 4.26(4)(a) and be approved by the Common Council; and
WHEREAS, these services will cost approximately $51,000 per year; and
WHEREAS, IT has solicited quotes and discussed the City’s contracting requirements for the past two years with at least three authorized resellers of the Progress software and has identified Carahsoft Technology Corp as a vendor who is willing and ab...
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