Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
Amending Section 28.139(1) of the Madison General Ordinances to change the proximity to a park conditional use review trigger from 200 feet to "immediately adjacent" to the park.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: The intent of this ordinance is to review development which has an impact on a park. However, the current language casts too wide a net. This amendment will limit review to properties that are actually immediately adjacent to a park.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Subsection (1) of Section 28.139 entitled "Development Adjacent to Public Parks" of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
"(1) Nonresidential development within two hundred (200) feet of immediately adjacent to the boundary of a City-owned public park shall be reviewed as a conditional use. The purpose of this requirement is to assess the impact of proposed development on natural resources, drainage patterns, pedestrian traffic and recreational uses of the park. Conditional use applications shall include the following:"