Fiscal Note
Project #39 "Royster Clark Development" of the 2014 Engineering - Major Streets Capital Budget would be amended as follows:
CS53-58250-810751 $534,000 Street Construction
CS53-73219-810751 ($534,000) State Grant
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Contract with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) to accept a $534,000 grant through the Idle Industrial Sites Grant Program to implement infrastructure improvements needed to facilitate the redevelopment of the former Royster Clark property and amending the 2014 Engineering - Major Streets Capital Budget.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison applied for and was awarded a $534,000 grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) through the Idle Industrial Sites Program, and this award is intended to fund the implementation of infrastructure improvements to support the planned redevelopment of the former Royster Clark property at the intersection of Cottage Grove Road and Dempsey Road; and
WHEREAS, an experienced development team has a plan to redevelop the Royster Clark property and current plans call for 51 single-family homes, over 300 apartment units, and 93,000 square feet of commercial space; and
WHEREAS, completion of the Royster Clark redevelopment project will require infrastructure improvements along Cottage Grove Road to facilitate access into the site, and the planned improvements (including bike lanes in both directions, grassed median, left turn lanes and a parking lane on the street’s north side) will be of benefit to the redevelopment project and surrounding neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the WEDC Idle Industrial Sites Program requires a 70% match, and the City of Madison 2014 Capital Budget includes $2,728,000 for infrastructure improvements along Cottage Grove Road adjacent to the Royster Clark site which can be leveraged as the required match for the grant award; and
WHEREAS, obtaining the grant funds will require...
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