Fiscal Note
Funding of $400,000 is authorized in the 2013 adopted Capital budget of the Engineering agency (see Engineering - Other Projects, "Disparity Study," Project No. 9, Acc't No. 810762). The funds remain available into 2014. No additional appropriation is required.
Awarding the Disparity Study contract to Keen Independent Research, not to exceed the amount of $321,350.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Common Council authorized in the 2013 Capital Budget for the provisions up to $400,000 to conduct a disparity study; and
WHEREAS the study will assess, quantify, and evaluate the prevalence, magnitude and extent of marketplace discrimination, if any, against Minority/Women/Disadvantaged Business Enterprise's regarding participation in City of Madison Public Works contracts; and
WHEREAS the Study will help the City of Madison to structure race/gender-neutral or race/gender-conscious program goals based on findings of disparity, if any; and
WHEREAS in August 2013, the City of Madison sought proposals from qualified and interested parties for professional consulting services through the release of a request for proposals (RFP 8258-2013-MM); and
WHEREAS five proposals were received by the City; and
WHEREAS the Evaluation Panel reviewed the proposals and invited all five consultants to interview, after which, they selected Keen Independent Research, LLC to conduct the Disparity Study; and
WHEREAS the contract under which the consultant of Keen Independent Research, LLC will provide services to the City will commence in early 2014 and the duration of the contract is estimated to be 12 months; and
WHEREAS, the total cost of the Disparity Study contract is not to exceed $321,350.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement with Keen Independent Research, LLC for the Disparity Study for the City of Madison as described above.