Fiscal Note
The proposed fee changes will result in additional General Fund revenues of an estimated $30,000 annually. These revenues have been recognized as part of the 2014 adopted City operating budget.
Amending Sections 9.13(2), 9.13(6)(h)3.a.iv., 9.13(6)(n)6.,9.13(7)(e)2., 9.13(10), and 10.056 of the Madison General Ordinances to raise various street vending and street use permit fees.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This amendment raises some street vending and street use permit fees, to coincide with the 2014 adopted operating budget. The following street vending license fees are being raised: Special Event Umbrella License (for Street Use permittees), Late Night Vending, Camp Randall High Density Food vendors, Southeast Campus, and Sidewalk Cafes on the Mall/Concourse. The Street Use permit application fees are being raised for all events except neighborhood block parties, and a $250 late fee is being created for late applications.
Street Vending licenses affected by this ordinance run from April 15-April 14 so the new fees will take effect if this amendment is adopted and effective before April 15. Street Use application fees are due when filed.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Please see "Body" in Attachments.