Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
SUBSTITUTE Creating Section 28.06(2)(a)00086. of the Madison General Ordinances to rezone property from A (Agricultural) District to TR-C3 (Traditional Residential - Consistent 3) District; and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)00087. of the Madison General Ordinances to rezone property from A (Agricultural) District to TR-U1 (Traditional Residential - Urban 1) District to demolish 3 single-family residences and create 44 single-family lots, 2 lots for future multi-family development and 2 outlots for public stormwater management at 901-1001 Sugar Maple Lane, 1st Aldermanic District.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: Rezone 901-1001 Sugar Maple Lane to allow for the demolition of 3 single-family residences and create 44-single family lots, 2 lots for future multi-family development and 2 outlots for public stormwater management.
This ordinance previously called for the 44 proposed single-family lots to be SR-C1 (Suburban Residential-Consistent 1 District). The applicant is now requesting TR-C3 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 3 District) for those lots with this substitute. The rezoning to TR-U1 (Traditional Residential-Urban 1 District) is unchanged.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Map Amendment 00086. of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to rezone the following described property from A (Agricultural) District to TR-C3 (Traditional Residential - Consistent 3) District:
A parcel of land located in the NE1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 33, T7N, R8E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, to-wit; commencing at the North quarter corner of said Section 33; thence S89°51'08"W, 724.76 feet along the north line of said NW1/4; thence S00°11'47"W, 599.26 feet to the point of beginning; thence N88°28'38"E, 551.30 feet; thence S01°40'49"W, 739.44 feet; thence S89°53'22"W, 1108.67 feet; thence N01°25'56"E, 510.18 feet; thence N89°49'14"E, 404.50 feet; thence N00°10'46"W, 15.00 feet; thence N89°49'14"E, 142.13 feet; thence N00°09'50"E, 199.84 feet; thence N89°52'57"E, 19.34 feet to the point of beginning. This parcel contains 694,259 square feet (15.938 acres).
2. Map Amendment 00087. of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to rezone the following described property from A (Agricultural) District to TR-U1 (Traditional Residential - Urban 1) District:
A parcel of land located in the NE1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 33, T7N, R8E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, to-wit; commencing at the North quarter corner of said Section 33; thence S89°51'08"W, 724.76 feet along the north line of said NW1/4; thence S00°11'47"W, 33.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing S00°11'47"W, 566.26 feet; thence S89°52'57"W, 19.34 feet; thence S00°09'50"W, 199.84 feet; thence S89°49'14"W, 142.13 feet; thence S00°10'46"E, 15.00 feet; thence S89°49'14"W, 404.50 feet; thence N01°25'56"E, 215.50 feet; thence N02°08'55"E, 551.99 feet to a point of curve; thence northeasterly on a curve to the right which has a radius of 15.00 feet and a chord which bears N45°15'25"E, 20.53 feet; thence N89°51'08"E, 527.78 feet to the point of beginning. This parcel contains 427,075 square feet (9.804 acres).