Fiscal Note
Under the terms of this contract, the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) reimburses the City for up to 40% of the salary and benefit expense of the Madison Out-of-School Time Coordinator, not to exceed an annual amount of $41,000. The 2014 adopted budget of the Community Development Division (CDD) includes $41,000 from MMSD in support of the position. No additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign a contract with the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) to provide a Madison Out-of-School Time Coordinator for the Madison Out-of-School Time Initiative (MOST).
WHEREAS, the Madison Metropolitan School District and the City have jointly determined that all of Madison’s children and youth should have access to comprehensive, high quality out-of-school time programs that support positive youth development, educational achievement, and career and/or community readiness; and
WHEREAS, in order to accomplish this, the MOST Project will engage out-of-school time (OST) providers, the City, MMSD, Dane County, and other community stakeholders to develop a city-wide system that supports collaboration and coordination of programs for children and youth; and
WHEREAS, the MOST Coordinator will be responsible for project management, development and maintenance of resource information systems, supporting the community coalition, and coordinating communication and decision-making for the MOST initiative; and
WHEREAS, the City shall be responsible for any salary and benefits due such personnel, and MMSD shall reimburse the City for up to 40% of the salary (i.e., wages paid) and benefits of the MOST Coordinator, MMSD’s reimbursement to the City not to exceed an annual amount of $41,000.00.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign a contract with MMSD to provide partial reimbursement for a MOST Coordinator employed by the City for the MOST initiative; an...
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