Fiscal Note
This grant will be accounted for in a segregated fund (SG24). The City's match requirement of $15,000 (25 percent) will be met using funds included in the Police Department's operating budget for the fringe benefit costs associated with the overtime and administrative salaries and fringe benefits.
Authorizing the Mayor, City Clerk and Chief of Police to accept a $60,000 public safety grant from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for alcohol enforcement in 2014
WHEREAS, each year the Wisconsin Department of Transportation-Bureau of Transportation Safety (WI DOT-BOTS) provides funds to local police agencies for overtime for enforcement of traffic violations; and,
WHEREAS, this year WI DOT-BOTS has offered $60,000 for this traffic safety drinking enforcement initiative; and,
WHEREAS, this initiative includes efforts to reduce the number of impaired motorists, incidents of excessive vehicle speed, and the incidence of unrestrained operators/passengers on City of Madison roadways so as to contribute to decreasing the number of deaths and/or injuries due to crashes; and,
WHEREAS, the grant funds enable the Police Department's Traffic and Specialized Services Section to coordinate additional traffic enforcement activities that would otherwise not be provided; and,
WHEREAS, required City matching funds of 25% are met through fringe benefits paid for grant-funded overtime.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Chief of Police are authorized to accept this $60,000 public safety grant from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Safety.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these funds be used for additional overtime patrols.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Finance Director and the Police Department are authorized to establish and/or maintain accounts as required for the administration of the grant funds.
SG24-51300-712100 $60,000
SG24-73211-712100 ($60,000)