Fiscal Note
The City of Madison 2014 adopted City operating budget includes $80,000 in the Miscellaneous Appropriations fund for the Transit for Jobs program (now referred to as the Transit for Jobs & Economic Self-Sufficiency program). No additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing the City, through the Community Development Division, to enter into a sole source purchase of service contract with Porchlight, Inc. for the provision of the Transit for Economic Self-Sufficiency (TESS) program.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison 2006 budget included $40,000 for the creation of a Transit for Jobs program providing bus tickets and passes for low-income people seeking employment; and
WHEREAS, in 2006, three applicants responded to the RFP to provide the Transit for Jobs program and Porchlight, Inc. was selected as the vendor; and
WHEREAS, in 2008, Porchlight, Inc. was the only applicant to respond to the City of Madison RFP for the provision of the Transit for Jobs program; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison 2009 budget increased funding for the Transit for Jobs program (now called Transit for Economic Self-Sufficiency) to $80,000; and
WHEREAS, in 2009, Porchlight, Inc. was the only applicant to respond to the City of Madison RFP for the Transit for Economic Self-Sufficiency (TESS) program despite direct outreach to other non-profit service providers; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison 2011, budget included $80,000 for the continuation of the TESS program and again, Porchlight, Inc. was the only applicant to respond to the RFP.
WHEREAS, Porchlight, Inc. has provided a high quality TESS program serving the homeless population in Madison and working closely with all the non-profit services providers who are part of the Homeless Services Consortium for the distribution of the bus tickets and passes as well as reaching out to neighborhood based service providers when possible.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council authorizes the City to enter i...
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