Fiscal Note
Estimated Cost is $350,000. Funds available in UC15-58430-251000
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with MG&E, Charter, and AT&T for the undergrounding of overhead utilities at 2300 S. Park Street and rescinding Resolution RES-12-00901, File ID 28175.
Village on Park (2300 S. Park Street) is owned by City of Madison CDA. Overhead electrical and communication lines run through a portion of the northern half of this parcel. The parcel will be subdivided and the overhead lines conflict with proposed development. The overhead lines will be undergrounded and relocated to the right-of-ways of S. Park Street and Ridgewood Way. The existing poles are owned by MG&E, MG&E will coordinate the undergrounding of those facilities owned by others that share its poles. The estimated cost has been revised in order to include undergrounding which runs across the full width of the S. Park Street right-of-way.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with MG&E, Charter and AT&T for the undergrounding of overhead utilities at 2300 S. Park Street.