Fiscal Note
The annual costs associated with this service are approximately $200,000; a portion of which is expected to be provided by US Cellular. Funding for this contract is included in the 2013 Adopted Operating Budget.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a three-year contract with US Cellular wireless products and services for various City departments, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to sign up to two optional one-year renewals
WHEREAS, all City departments require wireless equipment, plans and support services to augment official City communications; and,
WHEREAS, The State of Wisconsin issued a Request for Proposals for Wireless Telephony and Broadband Plans, Equipment and Support and awarded contract number 15-91575-121 to major cellular providers, including US Cellular, effective July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015 with two optional 1-year renewals by mutual consent; and,
WHEREAS, City Purchasing Services evaluated the different offerings on the awarded contracts and have determined that US Cellular rates and coverage are the most effective for the City, in terms of cost and coverage for voice and data plans; and,
WHEREAS, The annual costs associated with this contract are approximately $200,000; and, funding for this contract is included in the 2013 Adopted Operating Budgets; and, anticipated future wireless expenditures are expected to be included in future operating budgets; and,
WHEREAS, the City currently owns a combination of approximately 650 cellular phones, smart phones and data cards under contract with various cellular providers; and,
WHEREAS, under MGO 4.26, service contracts for more than three years and averaging more than $50,000 per year must be authorized by the Common Council and signed by the Mayor and Clerk; and,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that City staff are authorized to negotiate and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign, on behalf of the City, a contract with US Cellular for products and services offered under State of WI Contract Number 15-91575-121, through June 30, 2015 with two 1-year optional renewals for wireless telephone products and services; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is authorized to sign agreement(s) to effectuate the above-mentioned renewals, if upon consultation with the affected departments, he/she determines such renewal to be in the City's best interest and the form of the renewal document is approved by the City Attorney.