Fiscal Note
No Funds Required.
Declaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Brentwood Parkway, Monterey Drive, Trailsway, Wyldewood Drive and Wyldewood Circle Assessment District - 2013. (12th AD)
1. That the Common Council of the City of Madison hereby establishes an assessment district known as the Brentwood Parkway, Monterey Drive, Trailsway, Wyldewood Drive and Wyldewood Circle Assessment District - 2013 to serve Brentwood Parkway from Arrowood Drive to Trailsway, Monterey Drive from Wildewood Drive to Trailsway, Trailsway from Monterey Dr. to N. Sherman Avenue, Wildewood Drive from Sheridan Drive to Brentwood Parkway, and Wyldewood Circle, all in accordance with Section 66.0701 (formerly Section 66.62) of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Section 4.09 of the Madison General Ordinances.
2. That the contemplated purposes of this assessment district is to remove and replace the sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, curb and gutter, pavement, drive aprons, street lighting and sidewalk as needed.
3. That the benefited properties shall have the opportunity to pay the special assessments which may be levied as a result of this assessment district in eight (8) annual installments, subject to the current interest rate in effect at the time of establishment of the special assessment.
4. That the City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare a report consisting of preliminary or final plans and specifications; an estimate of the entire cost of the proposed work or improvements within the assessment district; a schedule of proposed assessments, constituting an exercise of police power of the City of Madison; and a statement that the property against which the assessments are proposed is benefited.
5. That upon completion of this aforesaid report, the City Engineer shall proceed in accordance with Section 4.09 of the Madison General Ordinances.