Fiscal Note
Revenue and expenditures related to this activity will be accounted for in a segregated fund (SG50). No City funding is required.
Authorizing the Mayor, City Clerk and Chief of Police to accept $7,716 in overtime funds from the U.S. Marshals Service to allow Police Department participation in its Joint Law Enforcement Fugitive Apprehension Squad
WHEREAS, the U.S. Marshals Service has formed a multi-jurisdictional task force aimed at targeting violent offenders and gang members in our community, our county and our State. This is accomplished through suppression efforts of locating and apprehending said criminals; and,
WHEREAS, the overtime funds would be used for those members of the Madison Police Department who are officially deputized by the U.S. Marshals Service to assist with the apprehension of violent offenders and gang members in our own community outside their normal work hours; and,
WHEREAS, this is a long-term problem that must be dealt with, thus the Madison Police Department has pledged to proactively respond to emerging illegal gang activity and the apprehension of violent criminals; and,
WHEREAS, in the past, members of the Madison Police Department have participated in weekly apprehension operations with the Fugitive Apprehension Squad and plan to continue this participation in future years; and,
WHEREAS, the Madison Police Department has been offered $7,716 to be spent on overtime to work with the Fugitive Apprehension Squad for the purposes of continuing our efforts to reduce gang-related violence and the apprehension of violent criminals; and,
WHEREAS, this opportunity for overtime funds is likely to be offered annually by the US Marshals Service allowing future opportunities to continue our suppression efforts to combat gang related crime and the apprehension of violent criminals.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Madison Police Department is authorized to accept the reimbursement of overtime funds for participation in the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Apprehension Squad operations not to exceed $7,716.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Finance Department and the Madison Police Department are authorized to establish and/or maintain accounts as required for the administration of the overtime funds.
$6,117 SG50-51300-712540 Overtime Pay
$1,599 SG50-52000-712540 Fringe Benefits
<$7,716> SG50-73150-712540 Federal Payments for Services