Fiscal Note
Metro Transit will reallocate funding within its existing budget to support the salary and benefit expense for the double-fill position. No additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing a double-fill of a Transit Operations Supervisor
WHEREAS, Metro Transit hired an Acting Transit Operations Supervisor in May, 2012 to cover for an extended leave of absence of a permanent Transit Operations Supervisor; and
WHEREAS, the permanent Transit Operations Supervisor has returned to work, but is expected to be off work again by the end of August for an additional 1-3 months; and
WHEREAS, Metro Transit expects to receive a retirement notice from a different permanent Transit Operations Supervisor shortly to be effective on or about January 1, 2013; and
WHEREAS, Metro Transit needs to continue to have Transit Operations Supervisors in place to supervise the day-to-day activities of the drivers; and
WHEREAS, Metro Transit would like to continue the Acting Transit Operations Supervisor in place for continued training and experience until either the retirement of the other Transit Operations Supervisor, or the next permanent vacancy, whichever comes first, causing a double-fill in excess of the thirty (30) days, which is authorized by Madison General Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, Metro Transit has a vacant, funded position of Transit Operations Technician that will not be filled;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the double-filling of the Transit Operations Supervisor position, #2877, at Metro Transit, is approved through January 31, 2013, or until the next permanent Transit Operations Supervisor vacancy occurs, whichever comes first.