General Review and Recommendations
A motion was made that the Downtown Coordinating Committee consider the following regarding taxicabs on State St.:
1) An ordinance amendment to MGO 12.915(8)(b):
It shall be unlawful for taxicabs and other public passenger vehicles to enter and exit State Street other than via the nearest cross street nearest to in the direction of their immediate destination or by a route specified by the Traffic Engineering Division of the Department of Transportation. (Am. by Ord. 12,777, 3-13-01; ORD-11-00014, 1-27-11)
2) A reevaluation of the existence, location and hours of the current cabstands in Madison be reevaluated with input from downtown stakeholders and taxicab industry representatives.
3) Ald. Verveer requested city staff to research the definition of public passenger vehicle as it relates to hotel shuttle vans. Ald. Verveer asked that city staff from TE, Metro, ACA, MPD attend full DCC meeting 7/19/12 @5:30pm.