Fiscal Note
Up to 80% of the project cost of $125,000 is funded by USDOT/FTA grant money, with the remaining 20% to be funded with in kind local match consisting of planning salaries already in Metro Transit's operating budget. This grant was approved by the Board of Estimates, the Transit and Parking Commission and the Common Council in Legistar file #23960. Funding for this project is included in the 2012 Transit Utility operating budget.
Authorizing the Mayor to appoint the following members to a Steering Committee for the Bus Size Study:
Ken Golden, Transit and Parking Commission Member
Alder Chris Schmidt, Transit and Parking Commission Member and City of Madison Common Council
Alder Jill Johnson, City of Madison Common Council
Tod Sloan, Epic Systems, Administration
Joe Kapper, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Transit Program Manager
Susan De Vos, Madison Area Bus Advocates, President
Darwin Ward, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Commuter Solutions Manager
WHEREAS, the Long-Range Metro Transit Planning Ad Hoc Committee recommended that a bus size and type study be done to determine the optimal mix of bus types to service the Metro Transit area; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of this Bus Size Study is to analyze Metro Transit's ridership and operating data to determine if a different bus size mix would be more efficient; and
WHEREAS, a grant agreement for this study was executed by the Mayor on 11/30/11; and
WHEREAS, there is a common perception in the community that Metro Transit would be more efficient if it used smaller buses, especially during off-peak periods; and
WHEREAS, Metro Transit also faces the challenges of overcrowding on 40' buses during peak periods; and
WHEREAS, the Transportation Planning Board (a Metropolitan Planning Organization - MPO) will oversee the study with support from City of Madison and Metro Transit staff;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to appoint the following members to a Steering Committee for the Bus Size Study:
Ken Golden, Transit and Parking Commission Member
Alder Chris Schmidt, Transit and Parking Commission Member and City of Madison Common Council
Alder Jill Johnson, City of Madison Common Council
Tod Sloan, Epic Systems, Administration
Joe Kapper, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Transit Program Manager
Susan De Vos, Madison Area Bus Advocates, President
Darwin Ward, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Commuter Solutions Manager