Approving a revised procedure for contract finalization for Public Works Improvement Contracts.
City Engineering meets quarterly with Public Works Contractors to review issues of concern to facilitate better understanding and administering of contracts. One frequent concern of the contractors is the length of time required to finalize a Public Works Contract and it has been requested that the City Engineer work towards a more streamlined process for contract finalization.
The City Engineer internally reviewed the contract finalization process and discussed with the City Attorney. Steps were identified in the current process that can be eliminated or done concurrently. It has been a long standing practice to have the Board of Public Works and the Common Council approve a resolution to finalize each contract. It has been determined that there is no regulatory requirement that necessitates that the Common Council adopt a resolution accepting the improvements and that efficiencies could be gained by eliminating that part of the process. This step can be eliminated and replaced by a letter of final completion from the City Engineer to the Director of Finance. The proposed changes were then reviewed with the Public Works Contractors whereby up to 50 work days can be eliminated from the process. The Contractors strongly support the changes to the contract finalization process.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council hereby approves a revised procedure for contract finalization for Public Works Improvement Contracts.
Fiscal Note
No fiscal Impact.