Fiscal Note
Budget authority is available in Acct. No. CS53-54810-810374-00-53W1064.
Estimated cost $10,000.
Authorizing the City Engineer to disburse $10,000 to Urban Land Interest (ULI) for the closure in place of two underground storage tanks (USTs) from the public right-of-way at 110 East Main Street per policy established by Resolution 49,215 (ID No. 11,777) adopted September 1, 1992.
WHEREAS, the Tenney Plaza Building located at 110 East Main Street is owned by Tenney, LLC, an affiliate of ULI, and;
WHEREAS, ULI contracted and paid for the closure in place of two underground storage tanks from the public right-of-way at said property on July 21, 2009 in accordance with Comm 10 guidelines, and;
WHEREAS, the City of Madison adopted Resolution No. 49,215 (ID No. 11,777) on September 1, 1992, establishing a policy to reimburse owners one-half the cost of their out of pocket expenses which are not otherwise reimbursed for such an UST removal, and;
WHEREAS, the total cost for said UST removals was $25,316.50.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Engineer hereby authorized to disburse $10,000.00 to ULI for the maximum amount to close in place two USTs in the public right-of-way at 110 East Main Street.