Fiscal Note
The total project cost is $996,000, including the New World Systems contract and a server upgrade. Federal funding of $700,000 is available. The 2012 Police Department Capital Budget will need to include $296,000 in G.O. Borrowing authorization to complete this project.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a contract with New World Systems Corporation to upgrade the Police Department’s records management system.
WHEREAS, the Madison Police Department (MPD) currently utilizes a records management system that was purchased in 1996; and,
WHEREAS, advances in technology, communications, and systems have been so extensive in the past 15 years that an upgrade is critical; and,
WHEREAS, the records management system is currently shared by a consortium of Dane County law enforcement agencies that provide more than $117,000 annually for access to the system and support services; and,
WHEREAS, the current technology is outdated and unable to provide the detailed, timely data these agencies and the MPD need in order to more effectively solve crime; and,
WHEREAS, in 2010 the MPD obtained a federal COPS technology earmark in the amount of $700,000 to upgrade the records management system; and,
WHEREAS, after an extensive request-for-bids and committee review process, a vendor, New World Systems Corporation, has been identified to upgrade the Department’s Records Management System; and
WHEREAS, the total cost of the upgraded records management system has been negotiated down to $850,000; and
WHEREAS, the City Information Technology Department has determined that a server upgrade will be required at a cost of $146,000 for hardware and licenses; and,
WHEREAS, the MPD has requested Capital G.O. borrowing in 2012 in the amount of $296,000 for the purpose of completing this project; and,
WHEREAS, in order to avoid jeopardizing the federal grant award, the contract needs to be signed and the project implemented.
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