Fiscal Note
Estimated cost is $19,000. Budget Authority is available in account CE57-54985-810700.
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Traffic Engineering Division to reallocate roadway width via pavement markings on Segoe Rd from Mineral Point Road to Odana Rd and providing buffered bicycle lanes.
WHEREAS, Segoe Rd is functionally classified a Collector St with four lanes of traffic; and
Whereas, Segoe Rd carries approximately 3,800-4,000 vehicles per day; and
Whereas, Segoe Rd has roadway capacity in excess of need and the number of traffic lanes can be reduced to two without serious adverse affects on the Neighborhood or traffic flow; and
Whereas, the City wishes to improve facilities available for bicycling in the area by remarking one traffic lane in each direction to provide a buffered bike lane in each direction;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications be and are hereby approved.