SUBSTITUTE Authorizing the execution of agreements and associated easements with Madison Gas and Electric Company relating to the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of electric vehicle charging stations on City property.
WHEREAS, in 2010 the United States Department of Energy awarded Madison Gas and Electric Company (“MGE”) a Smart Grid Investment Grant to, among other things, support the installation of a network of public charging stations for plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles; and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to this grant, MGE desires to install, and after such installation own, operate, maintain, repair, remove, upgrade and reinstall electric vehicle charging stations and related facilities (“Charging Stations”) in the City of Madison (“City”); and,
WHEREAS, the City is committed to sustainable and renewable energy policies and the installation of Charging Stations in the City, and the use thereof by plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles, is in the public’s interest as it will help reducing oil dependence and greenhouse gas emissions; and,
WHEREAS, the Charging Stations will be available for use by residents and visitors of the City; and
WHEREAS, the City supported MGE’s Smart Grid Investment Grant application and has expressed a commitment to aiding MGE in its implementation of this grant; and
WHEREAS, the City parking lots located at Vilas Park, the State Street Campus Garage, the Overture Center Garage, the Capitol Square North Garage, and the parking lot at the Monroe Street branch of the Madison Public Library are readily assessable to the public, can accommodate the Charging Stations, and placement of Charging Stations at these locations will aid the success of this grant program.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council finds that it is in the City’s and the public’s interest to support MGE’s Smart Grid Investment Grant by providing MGE with dedicated locations in existing parking lots for the installation, o...
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