Amending the 2011 Stormwater Utility Capital Budget to reallocate existing budget authority to provide funding for needed dredging and greenway projects to be completed in 2011.
WHEREAS, the Adopted 2011 Stormwater Utility Capital Budget currently has approximately $325,000 of budget authority available in account 810389 (Local Drainage Problems) of which over $200,000 will not be spent during this calendar year; and
WHEREAS, there are several projects including Spring Harbor Dredging (Ald 19), Forsythia Cunette Repair (Ald 19), and Fieldstone Meadows Upper Pond Dredging (Ald 7) that need to be completed this year and are lacking funds; and
WHEREAS, there are no immediately pending additional projects scheduled under the Local Drainage Problems project; and
WHEREAS, it is the opinion of Engineering staff that these projects should not be delayed;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the 2011 Stormwater Utility Capital Budget is hereby amended to transfer budget authority from the Local Drainage Problems project to the Greenway Improvements and Dredging projects.
Fiscal Note
This budget amendment transfers budget authority from the Local Drainage Problems project to the Greenway Improvements and Dredging projects. The budget amendment needed is as follows:
ESTM-58270-810389 ($200,000) Storm Sewer - Local Drainage Problems
ESTM-79140-810389 $200,000 GO Proceeds - Local Drainage Problems
ESTM-58270-810382 $75,000 Storm Sewer - Greenway Improvements
ESTM-79140-810382 ($75,000) GO Proceeds - Greenway Improvements
ESTM-58290-810673 $125,000 Storm Sewer - Dredging
ESTM-79140-810673 ($125,000) GO Proceeds - Dredging
No additional G.O. borrowing is required. There is no anticipated impact upon the tax levy or cost controls.