Fiscal Note
This resolution authorizes the acceptance of two United States Fish and Wildlife Service grants not to exceed $19,000. The City will provide a match of approximately $18,000. The majority of the expenditure authorization and corresponding grant revenue is anticipated in the 2011 Adopted Parks Division Capital Budget as part of the Conservation Parks Project (Project #3, Capital Account #810401). This budget amendment will authorize the additional $1,500 in anticipated grant revenues. No additional appropriation is required and there is no impact on the property tax levy.
Amending the Park Division's 2011 Capital Budget and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into grant agreements with the United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service for oak savannah restoration at Edna Taylor Conservation and wetland restoration at Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park. ADs 16 & 18)
WHEREAS, the United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, Wisconsin Private Lands Office has awarded two grants to the City of Madison Parks Division for habitat development at Edna Taylor Conservation Park via removal of invasive brush and for wetland restoration at Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park via wetland scrapes to restore the natural hydrology; and
WHEREAS, under these agreements the City will use the grant funding towards the removal of invasive brush at Edna Taylor Conservation Park and wetland restoration at Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park, and will provide approximately equal amounts of City funding towards these projects; and
WHEREAS, the grant award is likely to be $1,500 more than originally anticipated in the 2011 Parks Division Capital Budget; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign, on behalf of the city, grant agreements with the U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, which includes accepting up to $19,000 to fund the above-desc...
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