Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Angus Young Associates Inc. to provide professional architectural and engineering design services for South Point Road Public Works Storage Building in the amount of $124,000
WHEREAS the 2011 Capital Budget includes an amount of $275,000 for architectural and engineering consultant design services, an Architect consultant must be hired to design this project; and,
WHEREAS the total contract compensation for architectural and engineering design services for Angus Young Associates Inc. is $124,000; and,
WHEREAS the project is the development and preparation of designs, plans and specifications, preparation of bid documents, assistance in the bid process and construction administration for the design and construction of improvements for South Point Road Public Works Storage Building located at 402 South Point Road; and,
WHEREAS a storage facility of approximately 20,000 square feet is needed to be used for off season housing of an assortment of public works street equipment, vehicles, and parts; the building needs to be heated to maintain a minimum temperature of forty (40) degrees Fahrenheit as some of the equipment and vehicles may need to be used at any time of the year; other features of the building include external storage of salt box inserts under the roof overhangs, an interior mezzanine for light weight storage parts, potential for wash bays, and fixed hoists and or rail type crane; the immediate exterior of the building needs to have a paved area large enough to facilitate large vehicle circulation; and,
WHEREAS a master site plan is necessary to evaluate comparative site development building configurations to include the new storage building, the existing public works salt shed building, the existing fire station #12, future vehicle storage buildings, future fleet and streets maintenance buildings, future office building, future parking, and similar structures; and,
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