City of Madison Traffic Engineering Division and the MUFN (Metropolitan Unified Fiber Network) project, via Intercon Construction, will be installing conduit on the Southwest side of N. 7th St from E. Washington Ave to E. Dayton St.
This spring and summer, the City of Madison Traffic Engineering Division and the MUFN (Metropolitan Unified Fiber Network) project, via Intercon Construction, will be installing conduit on the Southwest side of N. 7th St from E. Washington Ave to E. Dayton St.
This conduit will be used primarily for fiber optic cables to enhance the City’s communication capabilities. There will be a public hearing to discuss the project before the City of Madison Board of Public Works on Wednesday, May 4, 2011, at 5:30 p.m. in Room 108 of the City-County Building, 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
The conduit will primarily be installed by directional boring to reduce the excavation areas. Restoration of any damage within the limits of the road right-of-way will be completed in accordance with the City of Madison’s standard specifications. Traffic will not be significantly affected by this work, but there could be some off-peak hour lane closures.
If any persons have additional questions or concerns regarding this project, please call or e-mail Patrick Christian at Patrick.Christian@doit.wisc.edu <mailto:Patrick.Christian@doit.wisc.edu> and