Mad City Broadband / Sherman Avenue Fiber Conduit.
Mad City Broadband will be extending fiber conduit in the City of Madison beginning in May and ending in June. There will be a public hearing before the City of Madison Board of Public works on Wednesday, May 4th, 2011 at 5:30pm in Room 108 of the City County Building, 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Madison, WI.
Contractors, hired by Mad City Broadband, will bury the new fiber optic conduit within the right of way, under the sidewalk and in the grass terrace, at the following locations:
1. Beginning at the corner of Schlimgen Road and Sherman Avenue, along the southeast side of the roadway to the corner of Northport Drive and Sherman Avenue.
Restoration of any damage within the limits of the project, in the right of way, will be restored in accordance with the City of Madison standard specifications. If any persons have additional questions of concerns regarding this project please call Ron Handley, Mad City Broadband, at 608-237-6152 or the City of Madison Civil Engineer III, LeAnne Hannan at 608-266-4057.